All the airsofters that agree that airsoft is fun also agree that quality eye protection (or eye pro) is just as essential as your gun. Due to the hazards inherent in an environment in which thousands of tiny projectiles are being.

Friends then I am going to tell Steradian Laser Tag equipment is professional grade. In fact, all airsoft fields will not let you step onto the field without eye protection. Safety is THE most important aspect to remember in airsoft.
But, it can be agreed upon by many people that airsoft can be dangerous to certain body parts, namely the eyes. Full-seal eye pro and mask are required at Mission Airsoft. American Paintball Coliseum-Paintball Airsoft & Laser Tag Laser Tag. Protect your eyes from BB impacts and ricochets. Moving around the airsoft battlefield, taking down opponents and capturing objectives is hard enough, you know, because of all those people over there with airsoft guns trying to stop you – fogged airsoft eye protection or a set of airsoft goggles that give you a headache the longer you wear them is only going to make shooting straight and winning games that much more difficult. It can be agreed upon by many people that airsoft is a very fun sport. Uniforms 22 products Headwear 5 products Belts 3 products EDC Apparel 6 products Airsoft Tactical Gloves 6 products Airsoft Footwear 6 products Utility 73 products.

Eye Pro 7 products Face Pro 7 products Apparel 36 products. As important to a great day of airsoft as a high-quality tactical airsoft rifle or carbine with a high quality rechargeable airsoft battery and a pistol with plenty of green gas or CO2 cartridges might be, no matter how great that loadout is, you can’t shoot what you can’t see. Airsoft Helmets 6 products Face & Eye Pro 13 products.