Take your money back,' said the driver quietly. Very well, ready Tube One, the captain said next. He had washed as best he could in water niched from a pump in Flyside, but he still stank. He had had no way of getting a message to Lin and he had not seen her for days. Isaac climbed the stairs of the tower warily. Sharpe wondered if he had been wrong if, instead of feinting from the west and attacking from the south, the French would simply charge to the barricades and then just claw at the defences. Men would be nervously shortening stirrup leathers or wiping sweat from their reins. The horses, knowing what was to come, would be pawing the ground. He imagined helmets being crammed onto pig-tailed heads, and long swords scraping out of metal scabbards. Behind those officers the Dragoons would be preparing for battle. Doubtless the French officers, concealed by the ragged bushes at the valley's edge, were watching the city. Sharpe watched the innocent and empty scene which hid the attackers. Who knows what cities, said Pitt,what palaces with their archaeological treasures lie scattered on the deep seafloor or buried under hundreds of feet of silt and rock? Except for the inscriptions left by the Amenes, we have no way of assessing the splendor of the distant past before civilizations began rebuilding themselves. They can make you believe you are some place you aren't, that you're seeing things when there's nothing there They did that to my husband And you know why' Because my husband is a witch, a powerful witch Don't quibble over words like warlock It doesn't matter The man is a witch I myself saw what he could do' She gave a happy sigh, ignored the ache in her leg and her bruised hand, put her head on the pillow beside F'lessan's, and turned her cheek against his bare shoulder. Easy, love, Jeff said, reaching with hand and mind to soothe her. The indentations made by the sharpened steel saw teeth were faint but unniistakable. I undid two of the clips, held my flashlight high, and peered closely at the terminals. I looked more closely at the nickel-cadmium cells and saw that they were joined to one another and to the radio set by wire-cored rubber leads with very powerful spring-loaded sawtooth clips on the terminals: those last ensured perfect electrical contact, as well as being very convenient to use. The dialing counter was still tuned to the wave band on which theDolphin had picked up the distress signals.
#Synonyms for understand portable
I had another look at the portable radio transmitter and the now exhausted Nife batteries that served them.